Wednesday, December 6, 2017

The Food Lab: Better Home Cooking Through Science - Recipe Book with a Story

A few reasons to buy this cook book? It is a NYTimes Bestseller and a James Beard Award winner (Winner of the James Beard Award for General Cooking and the IACP Cookbook of the Year Award) JB is like the Oscars of the food world. I found out about the Food Lab through Freakonomics, my favorite armchair Economist radio / podcast series. The author goes out of his way to experiment and learn about what makes a difference in food. Think of it as a mad scientist experimenting with food and learn about best temperature, ways and water to use rather than the orthodox step-by-step recipe book. Highly recommend. Note, it's a bit thick and heavy!

Nanbu Bijin Sake Gif

Love the surface tension of this 南部美人 nanbu bijin sake uniqtech siliconfoodie gif

nanbu bijin sake 
uniqtech siliconfoodie gif 

Creamistry nitrogen ice cream making process

Creamistry Palo Alto Nitrogen Ice Cream
photo by SiliconFoodie Uniqtech
uniqtech creamistry nitrogen ice cream